A New Beginning

6 Dec

Hey Gs! It’s Luci, and I know we’ve all been very busy with our schedules, but we’re back now! I hope that everyone is doing well and I hope you’re all ready to breath life back into SUP G.


So let’s quickly review what we’ve discussed on the Facebook mass messages:

1. We have all agreed on pitching in to reorganizing SUP G

2. We need to set up times to meet online and set apart an hour to communicate.

3. Gabby has agreed to recreate a Facebook  profile as the previous one was deleted because Facebook thought the name was fake.
Eily and I have committed ourselves to updating the blog

4. We need to set dates and locations for the following:

*A retreat (so we can come together!)
*An open meeting for new people to join and get involved [Create a facebook event for this meeting].

Now that we’re all caught up, I think we should all take a moment and consider what an immensely positive effect this collective can have on all of us. Apart from that, all the time, energy, love, and patience we give will ultimately result in a better education for ourselves, as well as the generations to come. Please remember to update, be updated, and continue to share your ideas.


Justice, Unity & Education


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